Saturday, June 13, 2009

Juke Joint Jezebel

It's...8:14 am and I'm sitting at work, wasting my fucking life away. Blah. Tonight we leave for Dallas, after sushi at Kona of course. Gotta get that little extra stop in. Lol. I'm PMSing something horrible and I gained a mothereffing pound. I weighed in YESTERDAY at 167, and today...between 168-169. FUCK YOU SCAAAAALLLEEEE. It's bloating from my monthly bill, which is going to start anyday now. I know that for a fact because for the past 3 days I've gotten under my calorie limit and worked out everyday. So...that's the only explanation.

I hate weight fluctuation.

I got up around 6am this morning to work out. Mari was already up, since 5am. She had to take the boys to her parents house, they're keeping them for the weekend. I'm going to miss my little Beetlejuice and Boogie. :\

All I've had today is a 16 oz glass of Silk Soy Milk and a cup of black ass coffee. Blegh.

Uh oh time to change the song on the Ipod. Bye-bye KMFDM, hellloooo Dismantled.'s try some Nitzer Ebb. Gotta get in some Join in the Chant before work. It keeps me awake.

Muscle and Hate!

Can you tell I'm a bit loopy? What with not eating anything, the hormones from my monthly and the anxiety about Dallas, I'm just a bit crazy this morning. I'll calm down, I swear.

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