Friday, June 19, 2009


I drank a bit too much yesterday. Since becoming Vegan, my alcohol tolerance has decreased significantly. When before, 6 decent sized vodka tonics would get me on the floor, now it takes only 3. I drank 4.5 yesterday. The .5 was from before going out, our friend Robert mixed some Diet 7Up with a vodka shot.

I was pretty drunk yesterday.

We club hopped, started at Limelight, then went to The Saint, then ended up at the Pegasus, this really seedy gay club downtown. After the night was over, we went and got McDonalds. I ate just some fries, which I found out later, much to my horror, that those fuckers are NOT Vegan friendly. Blah. Duped again! Good thing I go to McDonalds probably, oh, never.

Except when I'm drunk, apparently.

Tomorrow I work 8:30am-6pm. I graciously volunteered for an hour of overtime. I say graciously because I NEVER do, for various reasons. I get slammed with calls most of the time on my regular shift and if I did anymore time here, I might go insane. So anyway, I volunteered like a dumbass. Meh, I felt bad for them because they're understaffed and whiny as all shit. I get atleast 3 new emails in my inbox everyday from various supervisors just beggggging for people to do overtime. So I threw them a bone and gave away an extra hour of my life.

PLUS! Plus...I see we have atleast 2-3 managers here at any given moment, if not more during peak hours, and I see not one of them busting their ass on the phone. My manager, for instance, takes about 2 hours worth of calls, every once in a while. Meanwhile, he takes 2 hour lunches and just sits at his desk, monitoring OTHER PEOPLE'S calls. I mean, how fair is that? I know they're managers and have moved up from us lowly rep's, but if we need more people on the phones, they should get their asses busy! We need man power, no matter WHO it is.

But anyway...lunch is over. Gotta get back to work. :grumble grumble:

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