Friday, April 10, 2009

T-3 hours

I leave for Austin in about....ohh...three hours? I'm watching Tivo'd episodes of The Daily Show to pass the time. I packed already last night and now it's just some odds and ends. I promised Maribel I would make her some chocolate covered strawberries before I left, as a parting gift or something. I'll do that in a bit.

Tonight my family & I are having a movie night at my brothers apartment. Then tomorrow, my mom & I are taking a trip to Elgin, TX to get some sausage for my grandma. She's using it for the Easter BBQ on Sunday. Then after the Elgin trip, my friend Sara & I might meet up for drinks.

Then Sunday is the BBQ with alllll the extended family. Blegh. I'll just have to eat some sides again, as they're going to have a lot of ribs, sausage and whatnot. That's okay. I can just hear the questions coming from my family members..."oh, so do you eat fish?" No, I don't eat fish. Nothing with a beating heart. And one from my brother that I just KNOW is coming because my brother is a jerk like that "Oh, so you've been doing this for almost a month, why aren't you skinny?"

I can almost see it coming out of his mouth. :(

Anyway-well I'm going to get back to my tv watching. See you in Austin!


  1. I hope your family doesn't give you too hard of a time about being a veggie. *HUGE HUGS*

  2. It was really nice to see you =] I hope you had fun!

