Sunday, May 3, 2009

trash tv

Tonight's going to be a lame ass night. Mari has some fashion show she is doing hair at somewhere downtown, doesn't know when it's over, and I'm going to be stuck at home, doing nothing. I wanted to go out yesterday but as always, we ended up just sitting at home, smoking and watching trash tv. I got home late from visiting my mom and by then, Maribel was already asleep. Robert came over shortly thereafter and we just sat around like losers. Blah.

I want to go out sometime soon.

Today is Day 11 of Vegan life. I feel great. I feel energized when I shouldn't be. Like when I only get 4 hours of sleep, I still have weirdly high amounts of energy. Yeah, I get tired still throughout the day, I'm not superhuman, but as a whole, the energy level has increased. I also think I've lost a bit of weight. Not sure though, because it seems to not be enough to fit into my 12's but enough to notice slightly. It's only day 11 though and I haven't been exercising besides walking the dogs.

Anyway-why am I rambling? I dunno. I might post again tonight if I get hella fucking bored. I might be stoned too, who knows.
